Sunday, September 26, 2004

"And the lacerates ran down my cheeks."

Kitty Kelley's new book about the Bush crime family.

Here's an excerpt from Kitty Kelley's new book.

Page 253: At Andover, George W. Bush writes a morose essay
about his sister's death. Searching for a synonym for "tears," he consults a thesaurus and writes, "And the lacerates ran down my cheeks." A teacher labels the paper "disgraceful."

About the pre-emptive media backlash to this book.

Is the book trashy? Yes. Is it sensationalistic? Yes. Do you think they would dare publish this book unless every fact could be verified and defended against charges of libel? No. So why are the mouth breathing, flying monkey conservative pundits allowed to falsely discredit a person's work (and the person) and never be exposed as the lying, hypocrites they are? (See Michael Moore's webpage for a fact by fact refutation of the slime they slung at him.) more question. This is a pretty Rumsfeldian post isn't it? Okay, last one. Is it hard to prove libel in a court of law? It must be because it's everywhere these days. Pretty disgraceful isn't it?


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