Sunday, September 26, 2004

Back And To The Left

The hunting of the president.

Jim Garrison, the man who prosecuted Clay Shaw/Bertrand for conspiracy to commit murder of president Kennedy, famously described the motion of the former president's head as it recoiled from the much disputed kill shot as, "back and to the left." If you, like me, have watched this movie 50 times, the Kennedy assasination lore has probably become like a Dead Sea Scroll or a Testament in that it is open to interpretation and re-interpretation from every concievable perspective.

Former president Bill Clinton liked to see himself as the inheritor of the Kennedy mantle. But I can't help but think any talk of "back and to the left" in regards to Clinton would probably be some porno director guiding the head motions of a down-on-her-luck Monica Lewinsky as she blows some cheesy Clinton lookalike porn star. Perhaps the man himself even said it to her so as to accomodate his famously crooked wang. Anyway, this is a clip of the documentary "The Hunting Of The President" which is about the modern day assasination attempt that took place on him. Of course today's model is not riflemen and intrigue, but 360 degree defamation of character.


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