Monday, November 01, 2004

All The Presidents' Words

If you could read the captions they'd say this:

Reagan - "Well..."

Clinton - "I feel your pain."

Bush - "I uhh..."

Kerry - "I have a plan."

Nixon - "Goddamn jews in the media."

I think these statements pretty much capture the essence of the man. Whichever man that is. I remember from my youth, Reagan always prefacing a lie with a raise of the eyebrows and a folksy, "Well...". And who could forget Clinton's faux compassion which he distilled into an "I feel your pain" message and rode like a donkey for 8 years. Then, there's Bush's abominable performances in press conferences or basically anytime someone who's not a sycophant asked him a question. Remember the "I uhh..." gaps? Awful. And Senador Kerry, what are your positions on health care, terrorism, the war in Iraq, the deficit, etc...? "I have a plan. I'm not going to explain it to you but if you go to my website you can look it up." Gee thanks. Ohh yeah, Tricky Dick really did hate the Jew York Times. It's an old republican thing, like voter suppression and religiosity.


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