Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Fly The Friendly Skies

Check out the website where I got this picture.

The CIA or "The Company" as it's employees refer to it is up to it's old tricks again. They've been caught running a secret airline to transport "persons of interest" to sunny destinations like Guantamo Bay, Diego Garcia (where we have a secret military base), Egypt, and Jordan. As part of their total package all customers recieve 10 free torture sessions and will never be seen again. Click here for the real story. (Thanks to Don Goyo for the scoop).

Of course, "The Company" is merely reviving old tactics. Back in Vietnam the CIA ran a much larger operation called, "Air America" out of Laos which helped distribute opium and heroin in a misguided "relief" effort. (sarcasm inferred)

You might recognize the moniker, "Air America" which was appropriated by the eponymously* titled radio network. "The liberal luftwaffe of the loony left" one might imagine Sean Hannity bloviating.

Speaking of bloviating some have called this business of the Bush Admin. illegally paying Armstrong Williams to shill for NCLB, "propaganda" worthy of a third rate dictatorship. (Actually these are tactics worthy of a first rate dictatorship. See below for third rate dictatorship tactics)

Meanwhile The Pentagon is planning on reviving the use of death squads first made popular in Central America in the Reagan 80's. During that period John Negroponte was the ambassador to Honduras. Basically, he was running the whole show. Now that he is the ambassador to Iraq I can't imagine where this idea of death squads came from.

Just like The Pentagon sent Gen. Zell- I mean GeoffreyMiller from Cuba to Iraq to "Gitmoize" the situation there (Abu Ghraib), Negroponte's role is to do to the entire Middle East region what we did to Latin America in the Reagan 80's.

Also, John Negroponte has yet to explain why he hasn't changed his offensive sounding last name. Such an important man should know better.

*I might not be using this word exactly right but it's pretty close.


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