Monday, September 27, 2004

Top Ten Countries I Would Rather Live In If Bush Gets Re-Elected.

10. India
9. Brazil
8. Canada
7. Kazakhstan
6. England
5. Spain
4. Costa Rica
3. Fiji
2. Italy
1. Mexico

A few explanations.

In India I would do something symbolic and epic like follow the route of Ghandi's salt march or visit really cool Buddhist sites, like the Bodhi tree where the Buddha supposedly gained enlightenment. For all you "Point Break" fans out there notice that the name of the tree is the same as that of the antagonist. The word "bodhi" means enlightenment.

Brazil - "City Of God." Though I am scared of diseases and getting killed.

Canada - because it is the most similar and I feel like a lot of the aspiring docu-anarchists will be moving there and I need people to hate (and envy).

Kazakhstan - "Man, horse, dog, woman, rat".

England and Spain - fuhgeddaboudit. It'd be fucking great. If I could get a job.

Costa Rica and Fiji - I don't want a job. I want to surf and drink banana smoothies.

Italy - I already said fuhgeddaboudit - besides that's cheesy. I'd like to squire some raven haired beauty, a rebel baroness, and tour the countryside.

Mexico - "these go to eleven."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Greece is worth considering as well, particularly the island of Ios. Aside from being an extremely beautiful island in the Mediterranean, it is also known for being a playground for young European vacationers and has a reputation for absolutely going off the hook. Basically, it's really easy to get laid there.

I demand that France be annexed from your list. French people suck, for the most part. And they have this annoying habit of making little fart noises with their mouths when they are thinking of what to say. Where we might say, "ummm" or "uhhh," they may mimic an untied, air-filled balloon being released from the hand. Trust me, it gets annoying. Not to mention their really pretentious accent, hairy armpits, terrible food, mediochre weather, and hatred toward all foreigners. I'd rather live in North Korea.

A side note: The Patrick Swayze pix on his fanclub site are extremely disturbing. On par with the Dick in the Tailpipe pic. Nice.


10:15 AM  
Blogger El Bozo said...

Greece? What are you a fag? Actually I did consider it, for it's mediterranean topless beach type qualities. But, I decided Italy and Spain have enough of those so we can skip the boy-buggerers. As for France. It was by far the weakest choice. I have "annexed" it per your request.


11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An idiot for using "annex" incorrectly, maybe. A fayg, no.

-Dept. of English Professor

9:29 AM  

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