Friday, November 26, 2004

Let The Nausea Begin

The Holiday season which I so especially LOATHE is now officially upon us.

Thanksgiving was interesting this year. Usually everyone starts drinking around noon. Add to that mix a bunch of explosively neurotic family members with opposite politics and a turkey that is "almost there" for three hours.

A poll is conducted at the dinner table to find out which way the undecideds broke. This reporter announces that several family members will "not be allowed on the ark" due to support of Bush. It almost gets ugly.

Cousin reprises a funny story about getting diagnosed as Bi-polar and quitting his job.

"Dad, uhh... I quit my job... and I'm Jesus Christ"

Guess you had to be there.

I am a nervous wreck throughout and most of them annoyed the shit out of me. Except for Nana. Who is a Republican but will still be allowed on the ark.


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