Monday, November 01, 2004

We Shall Overcome - Inertia

Whatever happens this election, we will have achieved something -- the mobilization of the left of center crowd to do... something.


Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to stay at rest. Thanks to The Blog, peace be upon him, all the backseat drivers and monday morning quarterbacks have a dog in this fight. Before we never had an outlet for our derisiveness.

Although I often spoke with eloquence and passion on matters political and philosophical while draining the last two ounces of a 40oz. while standing under a bridge in the dead of winter, I never really felt comfortable "doing anything" about it. Now I can do something about "it" (sort of) without having to feel totally lame at some community/activist/bullshit meeting.

Now you can help The Cause without having to chain yourself to a tree or fake unity with some pretentious hippy asshole. I hate the smell of patchouli, and I hate the "concern" of liberals but I've always been politically in the same camp as them. I've also always been loathe to be identified as one thing or another, democrat, liberal, commie etc...

All of these things conspired to keep me and a lot of others out of the process. (Attending pot rallies does not count) But now I feel like a tiny cog in the machine, and it ain't so bad.



Blogger THE INNOVATOR said...


I must say I do thouroughly enjoy your site. This post about being able to do something is very good. You spice in a healthy dose of educated humor with your opinions and it works brilliantly. I loved this site and visit it daily and it cheers up my day. Be sure to check out:
While it does not posses the same intellectual level as this site it certainly is entertaining to listen to the ramblings of a fat man who spend most of his time locked in his bedroom listening to John Denver albums.

Love the site!!!


9:54 AM  

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