Saturday, February 19, 2005

Coon Chicken

The movie "Ghost World" is one of my favorite movies. If you've ever seen that movie you may remember this picture.

In it, the protaganist, Enid uses this picture (a found art object) to trump her middle-minded rival in her school art class.

I always thought that was brilliant, turns out it's true as well. Click the title for a brief history.

Why do I do this?

Because, as it pertains to my previous post I am an anachronist -if nothing else- on a quixotic quest to connect my own abstract perceptions with the remaining shards of decency left in the world in the hopes that I might create or imagine a comfortable place to live in the absence of one actually existing.

This is the ethos of a post-modern revolutionary, simply to be able to make your own bed and sleep in it too.

There is no other motivation. I am not advocating any cause. I hurl terrible anathemas against (denounce) the status quo only becuase it is a personal irritant. The only oppressed proletariat I seek to empower is myself.

If I sound pretentious it is only because I have no one to talk to. I hurl my slings and arrows into a vacuum, shooting blindly, wildly hoping to connect.


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