Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Thoughts on the Iraq War.

Yes I am obsessed with everything that has happened in the past 6-7 years. It has been a continuosly unfolding nightmare, each wave of bad news that crashes into us destroying another part of the rickety old wooden pier that was America.

Something that I think most people in the public and the media are confused about is our reason for being in Iraq. I will explain my opinion of such very simply. We are not in Iraq because: they hate our freedom, they have weapons of mass destruction, to spread democracy etc... We are in Iraq because of revenge. We're in Iraq because they look like and sound like the people who attacked us and goddamn it we're gonna kick the shit out of them. And they have oil.

Boy did we fuck up.

It was the thirst for revenge that allowed the media to abandon reason and analysis and swallow the premeditated neocon plan to basically conquer the middle east. Total fuckin' lunacy. And as the media goes so goes the nation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for the "France Was Right" bumper stickers.


4:07 PM  
Blogger Count Bacula said...

To quote a line from a shitty movie I can't remeber: "The French are not to be trusted."

12:47 AM  

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