Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sons Of Liberty

The true objective of protest is not to manifest change, but to be heard. The success of one group always comes at the expense of another. At least it is so perceived. The only way to break the energetic log-jam of disenfranchisement is to hurl terrible anathemas against the status quo. If the vanguard attack is met with some support then the manipulators can set up shop and the cycle continues.

Our political evolution is not marked by increased civility but rather by more antiseptic versions of the Molotov cocktail, the tar-and-feathers, and the Boston tea party.

Unfortunately, the more desperately people want to be heard the less willing they are to listen. They only become more craven in their attempts to hijack the pulpit. The more raucous the clamor for change the more daring its aspiring agents become, like seagulls stealing half eaten sandwiches from your beach blanket.

While these opportunists are easily scared off, they embolden the mob and soon enough the whole place is robbed blind and covered in shit.

An intelligent person (an oxymoron if there ever was one) might logically conclude that the whole fucking thing is pointless and throw their hands up. Escape is an attractive illusion. The thing is, like everything else, it gets old, and becomes just another backwater.

So then what? Intervention, rehab, rejuvenation? Just another platform for people who want to be heard rather than listen. Only this time it's you being bombarded by Molotov cocktails, tarred and feathered, and thrown overboard. The cycle continues.

The Buddha said,

"As a bee gathers honey from the flower, without harming its color or fragrance, even so a sage moves about the village."

- endquote.

What then?

The garden of life is full of weeds, parasites, and flowers. It is planted, grows, and dies. In between it may bear fruit or die from disease and neglect.

Anarchy and disorder can only till and fertilize the soil, while obsession may whittle away and neuter its harvest.

Expect to be stung. Mankind's thirst for truth is matched only by his contempt for it.

Practically speaking, what the fuck can you do?

Sing your song, as well as you can, be good and take care, as it stands in stark contrast to a world of mediocracy and endless repetition.

As Woody Guthrie once penned in a letter to Pete Seeger:

"Dear Pete,

Go fuck yourself.



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