Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Oil Prices Climb On Fears Of Everything

Is it just me or do they use absolutely any reason to justify the perpetual rise of crude? Nigerian rebels, Moqtada al-Sadr's militia, Hurricane Ivan, etc... all strike fear in the hearts of oil traders, who apparently are the jitteriest bunch of pussies ever. These same pussies then assume that everyone else is assuming that they are all afraid of something and somehow this makes the price of oil go up and up. This is good for the oligarchs, bad for everyone else. Whatever happened to Prince Bandar promising to "fine tune" oil prices for the upcoming election? Have the Saudis decided Bush is too destabilizing and they are squeezing him out, or are they colluding with U.S. oil barons to extract as much wealth as possible from the public in order to finance the imminent takeover of our democracy by fascist oligarchs?


Blogger El Bozo said...

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