Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Tumbler

Bush tumbles off the Segway.

The secret service has nicknames for all their "packages" (dignitaries they are assigned to protect). Clinton's was Wang. Okay, it wasn't really wang it was Eagle. Reagan's was Rawhide. And Bush? Bush's secret service nickname is Tumbler. Seriously. I can't imagine why. Kerry's should be Lurch, that's what all the freepers call him. What's a freeper? One of those moronic right-wingers who believe every stupid rumor about the liberal media, Clinton killing Vince Foster, etc... etc... (Click the title and scroll down if you want to see more nicknames.) By the way the Segway's codename was Ginger. Seriously. Want to know why Bush fell off the segway? He forgot to turn it on. It has gyroscopic stabilizers that make it nearly impossible to fall off but you have to turn the durn thing on first! Seriously. P.S. - I have a nickname for my "package" too but I'm not telling you what it is.


Blogger El Bozo said...

It's "Zell". As in Zell Miller. Give'em hell Zell! (I just made that up.)

11:54 PM  

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