Thursday, September 30, 2004

A New Strategery

You know who I could live without? Everyone in the South. Let these gun-toting yokels secede I say. I'm tired of THE REST OF THE WORLD being held back and made to suffer in order cater to the perpetually wounded ego of the southern white male voter. Do you realize how much more progress on the issues we would have made if we didn't have to always compromise with these mouth-cancer-having sister-fuckers?

Imagine... being able to walk the gold paved streets of New York without any fear of being shot, pistol whipped or held up at gun point.

Imagine... Cops with whistles and nightsticks instead of guns.

Imagine... the mainstream being able to pursue a new, more relevant spirituality, instead of this "Jesus is my pitching coach" malarkey.

Imagine... local politics having more power than corporate lobbyists.

Imagine... never again having to legitimize outright ignorance for the sake of "balance."

Imagine... being able to say unequivocally that the world is round, the earth is not the center of the universe and that evolution IS creation.

Imagine... being able to go to Cuba, or smoke a joint. Wouldn't it be nice?

We were raised on the cornerstone myth that the Pilgrims came here fleeing religious persecution. But in truth, only here could they practice their intolerant ways. The day this disease of conservatism landed on our shores was the origin of a plague that continues to decimate the progressive virtues of knowledge and understanding to this day.

Let Freedom Reign! - George W. Bush on the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq. (Typically, he confused the imperialistic sounding reign with the torch-bearing, freedom harboring ring.)

*special caveat - I actually like a lot of southerners, and their ways. What I mean is The South as a concept, as an identity, must cease for the sake of us all. -Boze


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