Monday, March 27, 2006


I was just thinking -loathe as I am to wax patriotic or nostalgic- about American history and how it is -viewed from afar- pretty glorious. Once, our darkest hour was probably the whole Civil Rights-Vietnam-Watergate era, and yet to me those were the most vivid and important times.

Contemplating that era now is like looking at an X Ray of the American psyche. I don't know what that means but is sounded cool when I was writing it. Anyway, as troubled as those times were they were equally glorious.

And now here we are today. No Marvin Gaye singing, "What's Going On," no counterculture to balance the Orwellian Frankenstein government/media bohemoth. (I wish there was a way to spell the way Steven Wright pronounces "bohemoth" in his role as the DJ of Super Sounds of the Seventies in "Reservoir Dogs." It's kind of like "bo-hweem-th.")

By the way, there is entirely too much punctuation in the English language, it should be periods, commas and quotes.

I remember when I came back from my meditation retreat in 2000. I was meditating like 1-2 hours a day. Which doesn't by the way mean shit except that you're really unhappy. And by far the most recurring, intrusive thought was that "Oh-my-fucking-god-if-fucking-George-Bush-wins-the-fucking-presidency-we-are-fucking-fucked. Seriously." I got absolutely no self benefit out of the whole thing. This cold front of black clouds just kept overtaking me yet I felt it was inevitable (that he would win).

...And so begins the darkest chapter in American History (and the point of this post alas). One can flip through the High School Yearbook of American history and find a reason to smile and reminisce with some degree of joy on almost every page, until you get to now. Now is an American Nightmare. It is truly horrible yet somehow fake. Like a silicone tit that's sprung a leak.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you read this?

Essentially, no matter how you look at it, Bush is guilty of so many things. He clearly had intended to invade Iraq regardless of 9/11 or WMD's. That also implies that they KNEW there were no WMD's when they went in. And it also implies that any evidence that was presented that Iraq had WMD's was patently disingenuous.


12:31 AM  

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