Wednesday, July 19, 2006

U.S. To Israel: "When You're Done Killing Everyone, You Should Probably Stop."

Condi Rice is traveling to set up a "buffer zone" consisting of rubble that used to be southern Beirut. I saw a picture of her and El Presidente at a ballgame the other day. Was that a date? Has she been to his buffer zone too? Could she possibly respect such a fucking idiot?

This week's G8 summit has been a one-after-another of great (as in bad) Bush moments. First he got smacked down by his former lover, Vladimir Putin, then I kept hearing about how much he liked actually driving the golf cart (look it's something I can do! It's something I can do!). Then he was caught off script basically treating Tony Blair like a waiter at the country club. Then he tried to give the German Chancellor (a woman) a shoulder massage and she recoiled like it was her drunk uncle. And then... oh forget it.

I predict that by the end of it all Bush will be caught jacking off to Bumfights in the oval office. After wiping himself off with an American flag he will then present that flag to Donald Rumsfeld at his medal of freedom ceremony. Rumsfeld will then blow his nose in it and then offer it to Dick Cheney saying, "Hey Big Dick, you want this piece of shit?" After accepting, Big Dick will proceed to get so drunk he shits himself and has to wipe his ass with the flag. Then as a gesture of goodwill from the executive branch to the judicial branch he will present the flag to Antonin Scalia who will fold it into a decorative handkerchief and wear it proudly to the last State of the Union speech. (Where Bush will get a 20 minute standing ovation).

And bye the way, I was actually belting out the final chorus of "And so we've come, to the END OF THE ROAD," in that last picture.


Blogger esther said...

The suckiness of the whole situation knows no bounds.

11:02 AM  

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