Thursday, August 16, 2007

Things I Hate (in no particular order)

1. Bush

2. Republicans

3. Work

4. Getting out of bed

5. Not getting laid

6. Life just generally sucking and not being as vivid and triumphant as I imagined it would be

7. The Cable News media

8. Not being famous

9. Not being rich

10. Bleu Cheese dressing

11. Traffic

12. Girls who can't spell.

13. The G string always going out of tune

14. Insomnia

15. Roomates girlfriends giving me advice

16. The Mets losing

17. The Mets winning and the Daily News still putting A-Rod going 0-4 on the back cover

18. 99% of the girls profiles on

19. The bougeousie mentality of so many people

20. Typing bougeousie.

21. The fact that I know and use that word more than a gay 7th grade summer school art teacher

22. My phone ringing

23. Open caskets

24. Mosquito bites

25. Moths

26. When they don't make my coffee absolutely perfect at Dunkin' Donuts

27. Neil Diamond

28. James Blunt

29. I kind of feel bad about Neil Diamond but not James Blunt

30. Coming down off of coke

31. When you're walking down the street and you don't know which way to step to avoid the other person

32. Not being able to make as much noise as I want anytime I want

33. Stubbing my toe

34. When you take a bad shit and your ass is either burning or feels like it's seeping for the whole rest of the day

35. "Yeah, and I'm Cyndi Lauper!"

36. Hipsters

37. People I went to High School with who think they're the shit for doing some pseudo-creative bullshit that gets a mention in some magazine when all they're really doing is laying one more turd on the giant compost that is alt-cult. (see above)

38. Self awareness

39. Humidity

40. Why do republicans' ears seem so red and pointy?

41. Waiting


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could your list be any longer???

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what a non-guitar player would think of number 13.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice "just one of the guys" reference. the negative part of that scene is immediately trumped by the sweet, sweet breasts you get to see.

4:30 PM  

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