Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Pundits.

According to Webster's 1913 dictionary a pundit is defined as a learned man, a Brahman versed in the arts and sciences of the hindoo (sic) people. It's root is the sanskrit word "pandit." Pandit Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India after independence. If you've ever seen Ghandi (the movie) he's the guy who doesn't look like he'd choke on a single grain of rice.

Today of course a pundit is one of those talking heads on TV that tell you how to think. Usually these people come from so-called think tanks, and have prestigous sounding titles like "Senior fellow at the Defense Policy Institute." This makes you think this guy must be some kind of expert, when in fact he is nothing more than a paid shill, advocating in the best interests of whoever is underwriting him. Because we have three 24hr. news networks there is a lot of airtime to fill. A straight news broadcast even with features and analysis wouldn't fill up more than two hours twice a day. So the networks turn to these think tanks, which serve as holding pens for the rent-a-pundits, to fill air time.

With the presidential debates coming soon we are again told that what we really want is a chance to see the candidates as they really are, unscripted and spontaneous. I love being told how I feel and what I want. According to the punditry what we really want is to bond with our candidate, once we see how he "really" is. (As if these debates aren't going to be total Robo-thons). Also, the purpose of this first, and most important debate is to directly address the questions of the undecided voter. Undecided? Gimme' a fuckin break. If you're still undecided you shouldn't be allowed to vote because you're a fucking moron.

Besides being contrived, these debates are also an exercise in futility. We all know perfectly well that the cable news propagada mills will find a way to declare Bush the winner via the lockstep talking points of the vast, right-wing punditry. Somehow, the spin will favor Bush.

The most detrimental thing about these pundits is their insidiousness. I often find myself parroting these fucking maggots. Whenever I become cognizant that I have been unwittingly propagandized I immediately take action to de-programme the bad information and educate myself so as to inoculate myself from future indoctrination. Vigilance!

I've been trying to abstain from all cable news networks. Why is it that as much as I hate them, and resent what they're doing, they have a death-star-tractor-beam like appeal that commands me to change the channel to one of them the second I turn on the TV? Then, once they're on I bounce around from one to the other until I can't take it anymore. I'm seriously going to inquire about blocking these channels from the cable company. If it's possible I think we should spearhead a nationwide boycott.

P.S. I've noticed that black guys love to use the word cognizant. And they always misuse it. I will make a deal with all black guys that I will stop appropriating any part of black culture they choose if they stop trying to use the word cognizant. Just stop.


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