Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I Had A Lot Of Great Ideas...

...while I was on the elliptical machine listening to Bjork. I can't find the words to describe, it was just a stream of images. The song, "Army Of Me," was playing.

A few weeks ago I saw this belly dancer at a family party. But there was nothing tawdry about her performance, she seemed to be slightly possessed to me, her eyes had a mad look, like some Aztec priest. She could've so easily been a Bar-Mitzvah whore and everyone would've still been satisfied but I was as impressed with her artistry as I was her hips. It was like a cave drawing jumped off the wall and was dancing in the living room.

Anyway, it was the mad look in her eyes that stayed with me. If you've seen "Kundun" she kind of reminded me of the Oracle. I know that sounds weird but I am weird. Getting a whiff of authentic Orientalism in your aunt's living room can leave an impression.

So I'm on the elliptical machine listening to "Army Of Me" and I start imagining things. I see this girl as the Statue Of Liberty dancing to Bjork and the camera catching the whites of her eyes and the gnashing of her teeth while the fire flickers in the background. Lots of strobe lights and odd angles. In between these images there's a lot of war footage and riots. That's about as well as I can describe it without ruining it.

The metaphor is Liberty gone mad. A rampaging berserk-a-saurus with sexual energy spilling out all over the place. I love it because it's art but it's also propaganda. Propaganda is no longer a dirty word. It's not the laughably false claims of our cold war arch-enemies anymore. It is an accepted tool for manufacturing public opinion. It is the steel toe on the media jackboot, the butt end of the government's truncheon.

I sure hope those faggot Democrats wake up to this fact. Because being republican lite ain't gonna' cut it. If they did they'd stop being such apologetic pussies and realize that most of the artists are on their side. And that what they need is art that compliments their rhetoric.

If you think about your favorite albums, bands etc... they all have artwork that compliments their music. Led Zeppelin had, in effect, it's own propaganda that greatly enhanced their popularity, and in their own way they conquered America.

BY THE WAY, I don't care if part of my grand-plan-which-is-never-going-to-happen glorifies violence. Our government, newsmedia, and movies all do the same. So fuck their moralizing questions. (when they interview me)

Whether it is a painting that inspires a war or a war that inspires a painting is not important. The job of visionary geniuses like me is to detect these subtle buildups of energy within society and then tease them out, so that they become as apparent as clothes hanging on a line to the average person.

I would like us to be the guy that picks up the tear gas canister and hurls it back at the police. If only symbolically.

(and by us I don't mean the zero to three people who could potentially be reading this, I mean the millions of people who someday will never know about the-grand-plan-which-is-never-going-to-happen.)

-ed note: if you have a good Ipod playlist and you set a reasonable pace on the elliptical machine, AND you can watch Monday Night Football, it's better than coke. I swear to god.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cool would it be if by pushing our belly button, our strangest mind's wanderings could be projected through our eyes onto a screen for others to experience?

No Ipod, no elliptical machine, and no access to Monday night football. I'll be sticking to coke. Don Goyo.

9:57 AM  

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