Sunday, May 29, 2005

Rumsfeld Plays Altamont

They say Altamont was the end of the 60's. Let's hope this is the end of... whatever the hell we're in now.

Oliver Stone Busted

Click title for link. I'd love to be in a cell with that guy. I'd do all of Platoon, then Scarface.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

And On The Eight Day He Said...What?

Dr. W. David Hager, the George W. Bush-appointed adviser to the FDA and a vocal opponent of emergency contraception, abortion, and pre-marital sex, was accused by his ex-wife of anally raping her on a regular basis over many years. Hager is the author of the books As Jesus Cared for Women and, with his wife, Stress and the Woman's Body.

I found that little nugget over at

Other things the Bush Administration has figuratively if not literally flushed down the toilet:

1. The Constitution
2. A couple trillion dollars
3. Our good name

Shall I go on?

10th Reunion

Here's some links to photo albums of 10th year High School Reunion



It was fun. What more can I say?

I'm Somebody!

Like Steve Martin in "The Jerk" who rejoices when he discovers his own name published in the phone book, I am proud to announce that my long quest for publication has finally been fulfilled by the prestigious Home News Tribune.

The Tribune is read and then thrown away by at least three people everyday. Eat my shorts Filowitz!

Click the title for the link.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Favorite New Unintentionally Ironic Headline

All I can say is I'd be optimistic too. Shit come to think of it maybe that's just what I need. Click title for link to headline.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Fam