Thursday, September 30, 2004

A New Strategery

You know who I could live without? Everyone in the South. Let these gun-toting yokels secede I say. I'm tired of THE REST OF THE WORLD being held back and made to suffer in order cater to the perpetually wounded ego of the southern white male voter. Do you realize how much more progress on the issues we would have made if we didn't have to always compromise with these mouth-cancer-having sister-fuckers?

Imagine... being able to walk the gold paved streets of New York without any fear of being shot, pistol whipped or held up at gun point.

Imagine... Cops with whistles and nightsticks instead of guns.

Imagine... the mainstream being able to pursue a new, more relevant spirituality, instead of this "Jesus is my pitching coach" malarkey.

Imagine... local politics having more power than corporate lobbyists.

Imagine... never again having to legitimize outright ignorance for the sake of "balance."

Imagine... being able to say unequivocally that the world is round, the earth is not the center of the universe and that evolution IS creation.

Imagine... being able to go to Cuba, or smoke a joint. Wouldn't it be nice?

We were raised on the cornerstone myth that the Pilgrims came here fleeing religious persecution. But in truth, only here could they practice their intolerant ways. The day this disease of conservatism landed on our shores was the origin of a plague that continues to decimate the progressive virtues of knowledge and understanding to this day.

Let Freedom Reign! - George W. Bush on the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq. (Typically, he confused the imperialistic sounding reign with the torch-bearing, freedom harboring ring.)

*special caveat - I actually like a lot of southerners, and their ways. What I mean is The South as a concept, as an identity, must cease for the sake of us all. -Boze

Our Candidate

General Zod: Nobody is tougher on terror!

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.. and I will CRUSH THESE WEAKLINGS WITH MY IRON FIST!"

Dear John...

Dear John,

I'm leaving you. I'm leaving you because you're just not the man I thought you were. I'm leaving you because you just can't give a straight answer to the most elemental questions. I'm leaving you because you let those filthy bastards trash your reputation and talk rudely to me and you didn't even defend yourself. Why? When we were young you weren't afraid to tell me the truth, even when it frightened me. When we were young you were proud on the inside and out, and you never would have let those filthy bastards walk all over you and talk rudely to me. But now, your ambition has eclipsed your dignity. Now, you seem afraid to tell me the truth. Now you seem unable to speak to me from the heart. So I'm leaving.

There is a way to get me back though. But you will have to find the courage first. When they ask you, " knowing what you know now would you still have voted for the war?" you'll have to take a deep breath, clear your throat, and speak from the heart. Tell them that you just can't keep track of all the half-truths anymore, they've got you in a corner you can't explain your way out. Just answer the question the way we all know you want to, just tell them no, you wouldn't have.

Tell them it's not a flip-flop because flip-flops are only done when it's politically advantageous, and this is not politically advantageous. Tell them you're doing something they seem incapable of. Being honest. Tell them that as Christians they should know better.You've got to abandon all the talking points. Your only chance is to rock the boat, and hope for a mutiny. Please John, you've got to tell those filthy bastards not to talk rudely to me anymore, and that everyone knows what hypocrites they are. Then maybe I'll think about taking you back.

Yours truly,

The Country

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I'd Rather Be Jesus.

My idea for a bumpersticker.

The Pundits.

According to Webster's 1913 dictionary a pundit is defined as a learned man, a Brahman versed in the arts and sciences of the hindoo (sic) people. It's root is the sanskrit word "pandit." Pandit Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India after independence. If you've ever seen Ghandi (the movie) he's the guy who doesn't look like he'd choke on a single grain of rice.

Today of course a pundit is one of those talking heads on TV that tell you how to think. Usually these people come from so-called think tanks, and have prestigous sounding titles like "Senior fellow at the Defense Policy Institute." This makes you think this guy must be some kind of expert, when in fact he is nothing more than a paid shill, advocating in the best interests of whoever is underwriting him. Because we have three 24hr. news networks there is a lot of airtime to fill. A straight news broadcast even with features and analysis wouldn't fill up more than two hours twice a day. So the networks turn to these think tanks, which serve as holding pens for the rent-a-pundits, to fill air time.

With the presidential debates coming soon we are again told that what we really want is a chance to see the candidates as they really are, unscripted and spontaneous. I love being told how I feel and what I want. According to the punditry what we really want is to bond with our candidate, once we see how he "really" is. (As if these debates aren't going to be total Robo-thons). Also, the purpose of this first, and most important debate is to directly address the questions of the undecided voter. Undecided? Gimme' a fuckin break. If you're still undecided you shouldn't be allowed to vote because you're a fucking moron.

Besides being contrived, these debates are also an exercise in futility. We all know perfectly well that the cable news propagada mills will find a way to declare Bush the winner via the lockstep talking points of the vast, right-wing punditry. Somehow, the spin will favor Bush.

The most detrimental thing about these pundits is their insidiousness. I often find myself parroting these fucking maggots. Whenever I become cognizant that I have been unwittingly propagandized I immediately take action to de-programme the bad information and educate myself so as to inoculate myself from future indoctrination. Vigilance!

I've been trying to abstain from all cable news networks. Why is it that as much as I hate them, and resent what they're doing, they have a death-star-tractor-beam like appeal that commands me to change the channel to one of them the second I turn on the TV? Then, once they're on I bounce around from one to the other until I can't take it anymore. I'm seriously going to inquire about blocking these channels from the cable company. If it's possible I think we should spearhead a nationwide boycott.

P.S. I've noticed that black guys love to use the word cognizant. And they always misuse it. I will make a deal with all black guys that I will stop appropriating any part of black culture they choose if they stop trying to use the word cognizant. Just stop.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Let's hope I can sleep tonight. Otherwise it's angry lone nuts of the world unite part deux.

I went to the Giants game on Sunday. Pretty good game. But afterwards we went to Stilleto (the all nude strip club). Now that's fucking entertainment. Let's just say seeing a chick smoke a cigarette with her pussy beats a touchdown dance every time. Actually, that was a different time but whatever. Don't you love the way strippers smell? I love the smell of boobs in the face... it smells like... victory. I got three lap dances at $20 each. And it was well worth it. I was about to leave with only two when this chinese/japanese girl approached me. I didn't want to be rude and I'd never been ridden by one of these asian type broads so I figured, "What the hell?"(This could turn into a really great story right here. Unfortunately, it doesn't)

These girls are so hot. You have to keep your hands at your side, and let me tell you that is some hard shit. You just wanna grab 'em and go buck wild! Yee haw! And they're not bitches either. When you walk out of that den of iniquity you're actually saying to yourself, "I think she really likes me."

Anyway, I'm tired of this political crap. That's what keeps me up at night. It's too upsetting and I can't do anything about it which compounds the frustration so tonight I'm just going to leave it alone. Grrr.

Angry Lone Nuts Of The World Unite!

Viva la revolucion dude!

The dogs are barking; Commanding their delusional soldiers to mobilize and muster in the town square. Assassins are stirring underneath their rocks, getting ready for their date with destiny. "Keep your powder dry and take off your tin-foil helmets. Release yourself from reality and give in to the swirling maelstrom."

We live under tyranny. The tyranny of monotony and homogeneity. Everything is the same. Life in a name brand gulag, beneath the sickly-yellow glow of parking lot lights, row on row of them, has become dissatisfying. The politicians know this. And they exploit it. They feed the disillusionment. While the middle class slowly wilts under the corporate hegemony, the government uses the media to induce young men and women into military service. As the disillusionment grows, ordinary life seems less and less appealing, options seem bleaker and bleaker. And recruitment goes up. This is the model for a militaristic society.

Militaristic societies always self-destruct. They are simply unsustainable. Only devastation will cure us of this cancer. This undercurrent of foreboding is not spoken but is felt everywhere whenever there is a lapse in entertainment. We're all gonna die. And be reborn chinese. Have a nice day... Chickenfucker!

-Insurgente Bozo

Monday, September 27, 2004

Top Ten Countries I Would Rather Live In If Bush Gets Re-Elected.

10. India
9. Brazil
8. Canada
7. Kazakhstan
6. England
5. Spain
4. Costa Rica
3. Fiji
2. Italy
1. Mexico

A few explanations.

In India I would do something symbolic and epic like follow the route of Ghandi's salt march or visit really cool Buddhist sites, like the Bodhi tree where the Buddha supposedly gained enlightenment. For all you "Point Break" fans out there notice that the name of the tree is the same as that of the antagonist. The word "bodhi" means enlightenment.

Brazil - "City Of God." Though I am scared of diseases and getting killed.

Canada - because it is the most similar and I feel like a lot of the aspiring docu-anarchists will be moving there and I need people to hate (and envy).

Kazakhstan - "Man, horse, dog, woman, rat".

England and Spain - fuhgeddaboudit. It'd be fucking great. If I could get a job.

Costa Rica and Fiji - I don't want a job. I want to surf and drink banana smoothies.

Italy - I already said fuhgeddaboudit - besides that's cheesy. I'd like to squire some raven haired beauty, a rebel baroness, and tour the countryside.

Mexico - "these go to eleven."

Sunday, September 26, 2004

In My Country There Is Problem...

I wanna make a romance inside you.

Roman Vassilenko, the press secretary for the Embassy of Kazakhstan, wants to clear up a few misconceptions about his country. Women are not kept in cages. The national sport is not shooting a dog and then having a party. You cannot earn a living being a Gypsy catcher. Wine is not made from fermented horse urine. It is not customary for a man to grab another man’s khrum. “Khrum” is not the word for testicles. Read article.

Back And To The Left

The hunting of the president.

Jim Garrison, the man who prosecuted Clay Shaw/Bertrand for conspiracy to commit murder of president Kennedy, famously described the motion of the former president's head as it recoiled from the much disputed kill shot as, "back and to the left." If you, like me, have watched this movie 50 times, the Kennedy assasination lore has probably become like a Dead Sea Scroll or a Testament in that it is open to interpretation and re-interpretation from every concievable perspective.

Former president Bill Clinton liked to see himself as the inheritor of the Kennedy mantle. But I can't help but think any talk of "back and to the left" in regards to Clinton would probably be some porno director guiding the head motions of a down-on-her-luck Monica Lewinsky as she blows some cheesy Clinton lookalike porn star. Perhaps the man himself even said it to her so as to accomodate his famously crooked wang. Anyway, this is a clip of the documentary "The Hunting Of The President" which is about the modern day assasination attempt that took place on him. Of course today's model is not riflemen and intrigue, but 360 degree defamation of character.

"And the lacerates ran down my cheeks."

Kitty Kelley's new book about the Bush crime family.

Here's an excerpt from Kitty Kelley's new book.

Page 253: At Andover, George W. Bush writes a morose essay
about his sister's death. Searching for a synonym for "tears," he consults a thesaurus and writes, "And the lacerates ran down my cheeks." A teacher labels the paper "disgraceful."

About the pre-emptive media backlash to this book.

Is the book trashy? Yes. Is it sensationalistic? Yes. Do you think they would dare publish this book unless every fact could be verified and defended against charges of libel? No. So why are the mouth breathing, flying monkey conservative pundits allowed to falsely discredit a person's work (and the person) and never be exposed as the lying, hypocrites they are? (See Michael Moore's webpage for a fact by fact refutation of the slime they slung at him.) more question. This is a pretty Rumsfeldian post isn't it? Okay, last one. Is it hard to prove libel in a court of law? It must be because it's everywhere these days. Pretty disgraceful isn't it?

Saturday, September 25, 2004

This Is A Cool Story

It's about the life and death of a Brazilian drug lord.

Nevermind The Bollocks

Looks like I've got some competition.

Click the link and go to "enter the video zone." Then click "largest, " then "loudest burp". Or don't -I don't care.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Swiftboat Videogame

"Let's do this whole fucking village!"

This story flew a little under the radar- ...They should make a video game out of the whole election. -UPDATE 12:24AM SAT-

My idea for a videogame...

Board one: throw your medals at a target

Board two: steal Geronimo's skull

Board three: (driving sequence) candidate's wife must sideswipe a car, killing the driver.


Download Free Trial Here

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Last Dragon

Bruce Leroy

This is some funny shit. (Quicktime) Thanks to Menudo Fan Club for sending us this one.

What A Dick.

Richard Perle "The Prince Of Darkness"

One year ago today Richard Perle said, "A year from now, I'll be very surprised if there is not some grand square in Baghdad that is named after President Bush." (click link for audio) No additional ironic commentary required... But here's some anyway. Here's Salon's take on the current situation in Iraq as of today. Pretty ironic.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

FUCK BUSH [the site that hates him the most]

This is definitely the naked truth. This is the snarling tooth on the face of our collective growl. This is what your really thinking as you sip your morning coffee and read the New York Times Op Ed knowing you're already 5 minutes late -when in fact- you don't want to go at all. When what you really hope is that something so drastic will happen you'll be forced to abandon your ungratifying existence on the spot and revert to a more primal existence. One that sharpens the wit but has no use for nagging anxieties. Oh well...

Monday, September 20, 2004

Watch This It's Hilarious

Steve-O. (Quicktime)

Calling Oliver Stone...

This is a pretty interesting clip. (MP3) By the way, when I say "Calling Oliver Stone" I mean, somebody fucking call him. He needs to make a movie about this like JFK.

Cheney: What Makes Him Tick?

If Cheney's a robot then what the fuck is Condoleeza Rice?

Apparently, he needs oil, lots of oil to function. Just like the tin man.

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Saturday, September 18, 2004

The Only Way To Find A Parking Space In New York.

Album cover-ish scene from last photo-recon expedition.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Bozo Busy

A day in the life.

Sorry y'all. The Man really turned up the heat this week and prob'ly next week too.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mission Accomplished?

Nihilistic cape and futility belt not included.

How hard would it be to publish a daily newspaper in NYC? It seems to me that there is a large market that is underserved in Manhattan. People buy the Post before they get on the subway because it only costs a quarter and it's easily digestible. But it's an angry, shitty, right-wing mouthpiece blaring like a tone-deaf lout into the faces of weary commuters.

The formula is so simple. Get a funny picture like the one above, give it an ironic headline and as Tom Friedman likes to say, "Presto!" Then steal Rush & Molloy or get A.J. Benza to write a gossip column and actually put it on page six. Editorials and letters to the editor would be on page nine, op-eds on page ten. And we could put anything we wanted in there such as:

David Brooks Is A Twerp
David Brooks Is Full Of Sh*T
Why Is David Brooks
So Respected? (if you read his entire column it usually makes no sense)

Also, we could do blind items like the Post.

...which CNN anchor thinks being fair and balanced means
parroting conservative talking points on virtually every imaginable topic and
giving anyone who doesn't a really hard time?...just asking.
(answer: all of them)

Take the top few international, national, and business stories from the wire, do regular sports, and have a great entertainment section and you've got a paper most New Yorkers would far prefer. Now all we need's about $30million.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

"I'm Not Qualified"

Click link above to watch video. (Quicktime)

"I couldn't get a job at the CIA, I'm not qualified, I don' t have the skills." A very impressive pitch by Porter Goss, George W. Bush's nominee for Director of CIA. Besides the fact that in his own words he's "not qualified" for the job, nothing else bothers me about a congressman from Florida becoming director of CIA in an election year. So just to sum it up for you, the president's brother, and his handpicked director of the CIA will hail from Florida, the state which Bush won by 537 votes in the disputed election of 2000.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Trial Begins for Farmer in Manure Deaths

Bozo Has No-Wiper!

I just had a no-wiper. One of the rarest feats in all of maledom. Don't you love those?

Only In New York Kids, Only In New York.

Black guy playing a midget in Chinese checkers.

How often do you see that? Well I saw it on my last photo-recon expedition in the City and I just happened to have a digital camera in my hand. Originally, I was trying to take pictures of the crowds of chinese men gathered around other games at different tables, but I was too scared to stand there and compose the shot. I felt like I would've been like some National Geographic explorer photographing the strange natives and I didn't want to be a paternalistic voyeur. Actually, I did - but I didn't have the balls. So I was walking away kind of dissapointed when I turned around for a last look and saw this. The camera was already on so didn't even aim, I just held it up took the picture and got the hell out of there. I don't even think they noticed.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Can You Hear Me Now?

The freedom of expression monument in Foley Square.

My plan was to write some scathing essay on the futility of free speech using this picture as a prop. I was going to use the old tree-falling-in-the-woods metafur (thanks to Zell Miller for the updated spelling and pronunciation of the word metaphor) as a way to talk about how frustrating it is trying to articulate a dissenting opinion in the current media climate. And while this sculpture/installation is aimed at the judicial branch it's really the furth (thanks again Zell) estate which has the most influence over freedom of speech. By the fourth estate I mean the media. What the actual fourth estate is I don't know. I think it has something to do with Napolean and France. Anyway, when people talk about the fourth estate today, what they are referring to is the unofficial yet essential civic function that the media used to perform by checking and balancing the behavior of whatever administration was in power.

It used to be when people talked about the three networks they meant CBS, NBC, and ABC. Now, when someone mentions the big three I automatically think of MSNBC, CNN, and FOX. The character of these latter day networks could not differ more from their esteemed predecessors. Whereas the news used to in some ways protect the public from the most egregious hijinks of the Government and big corporations, today they aid and abett those who have no regard for anything except acquiring more wealth and power. Now, thanks to testicularly-challenged propaganda robots like Wolf Blitzer, many -if not most- of the people in this country actually approve of the gigantic rat-fucking that's taking place right now. Their hearts actually stir with pride, and their brains fill with images of Old Glory; giving proof through the night, as they are systematically ripped off, lied to, bullied, and ordered into combat. The country is basically saying, with our great voice, "I want to be ruled by crooks."

To me this is an indication that the will of the people has been broken. Without killing anyone, dissent has effectively been neutralized. You may technically still have the right to free speech, but only because what you say doesn't matter. Even though a great many people may be of the opposition, they are like the defensive player in a football game, busy protesting to the officials that he's being held repeatedly, while the offense is already lined up and ready to score another touchdown. (I'm probably gonna tinker with this idea for awhile so look for updates -------- that means you Dan F.) Later - bz

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Lament Of The Blogger

I started this blog about two days ago. It began with an eloquent and sincere story about a righteous cause. It was, and still is my intention to use this as a forum to express -in detail- my brilliant and unique perspective on a wide range of issues for which I have no other voice. The issues matter now more than they ever have in my lifetime. So much so that I was compelled to put my nihilistic cape and futility belt in the closet for the time being, and launch this blog to save the world and all humanity. And now, after only two days, I'm putting pictures of a guy with his dick in a tailpipe on my blog and ranting about the fucking retards that work at blockbuster.

I guess for me, the only way to keep my powder dry is to juxtapose the serious and the sophomoric. I realize that if anyone at all actually goes to my blog, they're not going to read every word like it was manna from heaven; They're probably not going to click many of the links - which is too bad because that's where the fun is. So, I just try to follow my muse and make it entertaining.

Watch This - It's Hilarious

A Blockbuster Employee On His Day Off

It really helps me take the edge off.

Yeah, I got my superpass... right here bitch!

I just came back from Blockbuster and I have to say I have now changed my position on the expiration of the assault weapons ban. They should change the name of that place to "The Chromosome Depot." Argghhh!

Anybody else see that satellite crash?

How To Keep An Idiot Busy

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

"People On Ludes Should Not Be Driving!"

Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhh.

What Is A Google Bomb?

A google bomb is when a group of people set up a large number of Web pages with links that point to a specific Web site so that the site will appear near the top of a Google search when users enter the link text. For example, if you search for weapons of mass destruction in Google, and then click on the first web page that comes up, you will be directed here.

If you want to try one yourself go to Google and type miserable failure. Then go to the first web page that comes up. Once you're there I recommend viewing the "Barney Reloaded" video clip. If you're a lazy piece of shit just click the link. Please comment on your reactions to the clip if you care to. Update: Nobody commented - Fuck You!

Too Good To Be True

The harvest in Peru. Click below for an interesting story.

A New Pretext for Drug War Funding

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Save America Defeat Bush

A huge cheer went up as the crowd inched past this sign on 7th Avenue.

From the School Of Inauthentic Journalism

New York, NY, Aug. 29th, 2004

Chicks with armpit hair, fags, dirtbag rejects (anarchists), dogs for peace, pathetic leftover hippies, maoists, communists, bolshevik tendency-ists, black panthers, "loose hippy bitches," socialists, N.A.M.B.L.A., some regular people and god knows what else all crawled out of the woodwork today for the massive repudiation of the Bush agenda of war, hate, lies, and greed. (And sanctimonious hypocrisy, cronyism, incompetence, and being a fake good ole' boy-redneck and all around major league asshole).

I arrived by myself, hoping to take pictures of police clubbing people over the head, teargas cannisters being chucked back at riot police, vandalism and overall mayhem. Unfortunately, none of that happened. The cops were amazingly non-confrontational. Most of them were in regular uniforms and did not try to interfere at all. The protesters were as creative as they were diverse. Being somewhat reluctant to cast my lot with the aforementioned freakshow I declined to bring a sign of my own and instead chose to hide behind a camera. The marchers formed into pockets each with it's own flavor, chant, signs and costumes. Diving into the gigantic blob of humanity I quickly fell in behind a group that had a huge paper machie float called "The Dragon of Self Determination." They had a sound system hooked up to the mouth of the dragon and this Abbie Hoffman-ish guy was saying all kinds of hilarious shit from hehind the float. In the same pocket with them was a very distinctive group that I discerned to be "anarchists." The media had been filled with front page headlines about how they were going to terrorize the convention so I was amused to find myself marching right in front of them. They seemed to be pro-dirt and anti-everything else. (Later, the next day's Daily News would carry a picture of this same dragon going up in flames right in front of MSG and a McDonald's. Apparently the anarchists leaped out in front of it and set on fire, though I missed all this.)

I drifted towards a corp of drummers. These were not the arhythmic hippy dirtbags we all remember from college, but a couple of pros with nearly a full kit leading a brigade of people playing pots and pans, bells, whistles, and plastic buckets. The collective sound of the drums stood out above the chants, loudspeakers, and conversation. There's something about drums that inspires a march, be it into battle or against a war, and I found it hard to resist the primordial pull of the drums. The intensity and the cadences varied, swelling as the crowd got angry or passionate, dissipating as people caught their breath. The drums boomed out of the canyon of 7th avenue and it seemed to me that I was right in the heart of the march. (Though after seeing aerial pictures I realized it was just a small pocket of people.) Then some girl handed me a bucket and a mallet and was like "Do you want my drum?" Of course I took it and soon I was flailing away like mad. People wearing death masks, dressed as tortured Iraqis danced feverishly. Others carried nearly 1,000 flag draped mock coffins. It was macabre and spooky. The march reached it's crescendo just before Madison Square Garden. People were chanting "Bush Sucks!" (my personal favorite) and just screaming and yelling, banging on shit and making as much of a racket as possible like they were trying to drive away the evil spirits. The rest of the chants were pretty lame and it occurred to me that for all our effort the people to whom this message was addressed were either not listening, or laughing at us. They were able to laugh because the message was self-consciously non-threatening. Because to them political correctness is for pansy protesters. Do they give a shit about political correctness? People were scared to be called "anti-american," or "against the troops," so they moderated their behavior and in doing so conformed to exactly what the right wanted them to be: Seen but not heard.
By now I had blisters on my hands and after three hours in the scorching sun, found myself thinking about eating a sandwich in the shade even as the crowd chanted, "Change - the - Channel!" at a Fox News screen. So in keeping with the spirit I gave my drum to someone else and walked off in search of food and drink. Later, I talked to some gay guy who said Kerry was campaigning like a "Pussy!" It was funny to hear a gay guy say "Pussy" so emphatically, lisp and all. In a way he kind of personified the personality of the march: passionate and outraged, but in the manner of an effete gay guy. In other words, like a bunch of pussies.

By- Bozo
2004 Inauthentic Journalism Scholar