Monday, March 27, 2006

Capote N' Flow

Saw both of them. "Capote" was Phillip Seymour Hoffman talking in a falsetto lisp for 3 hours and a bunch of really disturbing shit.

"Hustle N' Flow" was an average movie whose supposedly "uplifting" message does nothing but reinforce the sterotype that no black kid can have any hope unless he is a pimp/drug dealer/rapper. The same message that MTV has won brand dominance with.

I think MTV is as evil, or more evil than FOX News. I think they both have an agenda and it is to poke, probe, exploit and exhort our basest and most animalistic tendencies because the response is predictable and therefore, profitable.

This agenda is not codefied, written, spoke of, acknowledged, or even conscious. It is intuitive. Pond scum just somehow congregates. No one really sees it happen.


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