Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Fucking Easter Motherfuckers

Jesus died for you. Well, maybe not you but me anyway. (You know who you are 2/3 of my readership). If only you schmucks hadn't strung up our kid we'd all be laughing, skipping, and fornicating for joy! But no, thanks to some meshugginah schlepping through the desert for longer than the Brooklyn Dodgers went without winning a series, and some kvetching priests in the temple we've had to endure 2000 years of our ass getting medievaled-on.

Thanks to you we have to sit in traffic on the way to the mall, pretend to be nice to our relatives, and for some reason, put a tree in the middle of the living room. We also have to look around for eggs, and be on the lookout for a rabbit. Apparently, in Christianity rabbits lay eggs. It is in this context that we are also supposed to contemplate the "Greatest Story Ever Told" about how He rose from the dead and so forth... So, find the eggs, and then be thankful the son of god rose from the dead and forgives your congenitally guilty ass. Oy vey, no wonder we're all mish-mashed.


Blogger Dan Filowitz said...

On the plus side, you don't have to eat matzah. That stuff is crap.

So, really, you should be thanking us.

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting take on Easter.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Count Bacula said...

What do you mean you have to be nice to your relatitives? Must be talking about the O'Sullivans.

12:35 AM  

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