Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dear John...

Dear John,

I'm leaving you. I'm leaving you because you're just not the man I thought you were. I'm leaving you because you just can't give a straight answer to the most elemental questions. I'm leaving you because you let those filthy bastards trash your reputation and talk rudely to me and you didn't even defend yourself. Why? When we were young you weren't afraid to tell me the truth, even when it frightened me. When we were young you were proud on the inside and out, and you never would have let those filthy bastards walk all over you and talk rudely to me. But now, your ambition has eclipsed your dignity. Now, you seem afraid to tell me the truth. Now you seem unable to speak to me from the heart. So I'm leaving.

There is a way to get me back though. But you will have to find the courage first. When they ask you, " knowing what you know now would you still have voted for the war?" you'll have to take a deep breath, clear your throat, and speak from the heart. Tell them that you just can't keep track of all the half-truths anymore, they've got you in a corner you can't explain your way out. Just answer the question the way we all know you want to, just tell them no, you wouldn't have.

Tell them it's not a flip-flop because flip-flops are only done when it's politically advantageous, and this is not politically advantageous. Tell them you're doing something they seem incapable of. Being honest. Tell them that as Christians they should know better.You've got to abandon all the talking points. Your only chance is to rock the boat, and hope for a mutiny. Please John, you've got to tell those filthy bastards not to talk rudely to me anymore, and that everyone knows what hypocrites they are. Then maybe I'll think about taking you back.

Yours truly,

The Country


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry John. But I just don't care about the issues anymore. I want to see who has the best quips. Call me when you figure it out. P.S. You're losing me!

-The Country

7:37 PM  
Blogger El Bozo said...

I got drunk and watched it. Proof that drinking impairs your judgement - I actually thought they both looked pretty good. That was the least I've ever hated Bush and Kerry made some good points. I feel like Kerry missed some huge openings though. I also feel like I could beat Bush in a debate... not to mention an election so Kerry needs to sharpen his attacks even more. But when I turned on 770 radio these guys were freaking out saying Bush blew it! And these are the biggest partisans out there. So I guess Kerry really did kill him. ... there's - still - a - chance.

12:21 PM  

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