Saturday, October 09, 2004

Dr. Evil

Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri

A few days ago al Qaeda's number two evildoer released a tape via Al Jazeera that might be described as a call to action.

"Don't wait for the American, British, French, South Korean, Hungarian and Polish forces to enter Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and Algeria to start the resistance... We should start the resistance from now. The interests of the Americans, English, Australian, French, Polish, Norwegian, South Korean and Japanese are everywhere..."

Yesterday at least 30 people were killed in a well planned terrorist attack on a Hilton resort hotel in the popular Sinai Peninsula - which lies between Egypt and Israel. An area of beach bungalows located just south of the Hilton also was bombed in a coordinated attack.

In Iraq, the Sheraton hotel located in downtown Baghdad where most foreign and American media stay was hit with rocket attacks. The hotel was considered to be located in a "secure zone" and the attacks left many correspondents rattled. While news reports have stated that al Qaeda was behind the Egyptian bombings, no one has yet publicly questioned whether these two attacks and the Zawahiri warning are connected.

Zawahiri is the former leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Contrary to their innocuous sounding name the group is actually a violent extremist organization responsible for the assassination of Egyptian prime minister Anwar Sadat in 1981. That assassination was carried out by terrorists dressed as Egyptian soldiers, who broke from formation and opened fire at the viewing stand as Sadat reviewed his troops. The audaciousness of that attack, and the ingeniousness of the planning behind it are reminiscent of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Zawahiri has long been considered the brains behind al Qaeda and the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks (according to the mainstream media narrative). You might call him Osama bin Laden's Dick Cheney. Like the Vice President he favors caves and undisclosed locations, is the chief ideologue of his radical movement, and is responsible for much of its operational details, yet still functions as a number two man.

Why haven't the media explored the possibility of a connection between Zawahiri's warning and the attacks in Egypt and Iraq? If you remember the Bali bombings and the bombing of a Marriot hotel in Indonesia around that time these attacks bear all the fingerprints of al Qaeda.

Since we are supposed to be engaged in a broader "War on Terror" isn't it worth mentioning that the enemy's command and control may have just re-activated in a major way?


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