Friday, February 15, 2008

Another Day, Another Shooting

You know, these things don't even make headlines anymore. If it's less than five innocent dead people killed randomly by some deluded manifesto writer who gives a shit anyway? What I think we need is to arm every man woman and child to the teeth. Target practice should be mandatory, a part of gym class. Then of course, the kids could take out the teacher. Lord knows, they're easy targets. Bloviating failed football coaches with gout and dykes with diabetes that they are.

Also, every bible should come with a gun, and every pulpit should be flanked by two .50 caliber machine gun nests.

If, by some chance you should survive all this and make it to college, your risk of random death increases because you'll probably be all stoned and forget to load your gun before class, or too lazy to run from the fusillade of bullets coming your way.

Here's what I'm waiting for, some poor white house staffer, about to get canned or exposed for some petty scandal decides, "he ain't goin' out like that," and lays his vengeance upon them.

Maybe that will get someone's attention. Because thus far, I've heard ZERO leadership or even questions about the root causes of these now almost daily shooting sprees in the press or from the government.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been asking the smae thing, what's up with all these shootings? Another question I have been asking, if these shooters are so miserable and mad at the world why can't they take the easy way out and just turn the gun on themseves before they go on a rampage?

6:45 PM  

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