Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Brooks & Cheney

No, they're not some awful country band.

Lynne Cheney's op-ed was really great. Apparently, we all needed a 6th grade level history lesson. Here's a passage so pregnant with inadvertant irony you could call it a fetus and kill it's mother.

Twice in 10 days Washington and his ragtag army had defeated the greatest military power in the world, and thir victories lifted the spirits of patriots everywhere...because of the 10 day campaign that began on Christmas, they could now think of winning their war for independence. They could imagine that their great struggle would have a glorious end.

David Brooks on the other hand, must be cringing right now. In a column truly stunning for the depths of its pandering and the breadth of its disconnect from reality he all but declares World Peace and gives Bush the credit.

And yet here we are in this hopeful moment. It almost makes you think that all those bemoaners and condemners don't know what they are talking about. Nothing they have said over the past three years accounts for what is happening now.

It almost makes you think that Bush understands the situation better than the lot of them. HIS JUDGEMENTS NOW LOOK CORRECT.

This on a day when at least 19 American soldiers were killed in Iraq.

(Admittedly, he was speaking largely of the Israeli-Palestinian issue but just as they don't make any distinction between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, I don't make any distinctions when it comes to Bush's character or judgement calls.)

I urge you to read the entire NYTimes Op-Ed page today 12/21/04. As you can see, it fired me up.


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